Give Financially
The generosity of those who support us financially helps us to provide an environment where young people can experience the fulness of Jesus.
If you’d like to make a donation to our work, either one-off or regular, you can either send us a cheque, made payable to Axe Valley Christian Trust or make a bank transfer using the following bank details:
Axe Valley Christian Trust
Sort Code: 30-90-37
Account Number: 00397075
Gift Aid
The Gift Aid scheme makes your giving even more effective at no extra cost to you. If you are a UK tax payer we can claim an extra £25 for every £100 given. You can let us know you would like us to claim the Gift Aid on your donations by completing our Gift Aid form (pdf 290kb).
Easy Fundraising

If you shop online then registering with Easyfundraising makes it very easy for you to raise funds for Upcott’s work. Whenever you buy something online find the retailer you want to shop with on the easyfundraising website, click on the link and then shop as normal. The retailer will give a percentage of the sale to Upcott as a donation.
We really appreciate everyone who prays for our work. This support is invaluable. If you would like to receive our regular updates to enable you to support us in this way, please email
Practical Ways to Help
We occasionally need help in areas of the work. If you are interested in supporting the work practically such as cooking on residentials or one-off office tasks, then please get in touch with us at