>>Download your 2020 booking form<<

Please read carefully as our booking process has changed from previous years. There won’t be a priority system this year as the booking forms are coming out so late and the Summit Centre can accommodate more people than The Beacon could.

We are also changing the way we accept bookings. We will accept booking forms by email, and the forms can be downloaded from the website. If you choose to book by this method we will confirm within one week that your child has a place reserved and then you have two weeks to pay the deposit, either online or by cheque, to secure the place.

Of course, if you prefer you can fill in the form and send it and a cheque by post as normal.

At the moment please send booking forms to:    

Upcott Weeks,
P.O. Box 908,
Admiral’s Yard,
Station Road,
Patchway, Bristol,
BS34 6LR

The balance is due at least twelve weeks before arrival. Cancellations received within twelve weeks of your visit require the payment of full fees. Deposits are non-refundable.

If you would like to spread the cost, we have an optional monthly payment scheme via standing order. All you need to do is download this form, fill it in and return it to us with your booking form.

If you are 17 or older would like to help on an Upcott Week, there are details here.


£15 off your booking…

  • if you bring someone to Overflow for the first time
  • for each additional booking from the same family

The maximum discount that can be claimed is £30 per family. Please indicate on your application form if you intend to claim this discount, as we don’t automatically deduct it.