New data protection laws are coming into force later this year. From May 25th 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will give you more control over your personal data and will affect how charities and other organisations can communicate with you.
At Upcott we really want to keep you up to date with our news and let you know about the Upcott Weeks. We are also committed to keeping your personal data safe and secure, only to be used as you specify.
Under GDPR you will need to give your consent to receive information from Upcott. If you would like to continue receiving our newsletter and the Upcott Weeks brochure, please let us know by completing the form below. You can also change the way you have asked us to stay in touch with you or ask to be removed from our mailing lists at any time by getting in touch with us.
Please provide your phone number if you are happy to be contacted in this way.
Please select how you would like to receive the following publications: